B a K boarding house

Price list

An overview of rooms and beds in the boarding house for staff working in the industrial zone

Ceník Per month
For 1 night For 2-5 nights
6 nights and more
Multiple-bed room without appurtenances 3.200,- Kč 200,- Kč 170,- Kč 120,- Kč
Multiple-bed room with appurtenances 3.700,- Kč 270,- Kč 220,- Kč 160,- Kč
Twin room with appurtenances 4.200,- Kč 310,- Kč 270,- Kč 180,- Kč

An overview of rooms and beds in the boarding house for school trips, field trips and training

Ceník Per month
For 1-7 nights
8 nights and more
3.300,- Kč 170,- Kč 120,- Kč